Let’s ignite personal & professional progress

Our services

The Other 67 offers a range of coaching services designed to help individuals and teams achieve their full potential.
Whether you're looking for personal growth, team cohesion, or leadership development, my tailored solutions are here to guide you every step of the way.

  • Perfect for:
    Individuals wanting to nudge forward

    Service Description:

    Working on yourself is the essence of what The Other 67 is all about. My personal coaching services help you navigate through challenging times, build resilience, achieve specific goals, and develop behaviours that propel you to the next level. Whether you need a listening ear or a critical friend, I'm here to support you on your journey.

    Key Benefits:

    • Career Advancement: Move up the career ladder by building leadership skills.

    • New Role Support: Gain guidance and handrails in a new role from an experienced coach.

    • Change Management: Receive support during business transitions and navigate the change curve with confidence.

    • Goal-Driven Coaching: Achieve specific objectives or enjoy a dynamic, evolving coaching relationship.

    • Personal Development: Enhance your personal growth and unlock successful outcomes.

    Service Details:

    • Session Duration: 45-90 minutes

    • Minimum Commitment: 6 sessions

    • Delivery: In-person or remote coaching

    The Other 67 is your partner in personal development, helping you unlock your full potential and achieve lasting success.

  • Perfect for:
    Teams on a journey

    Service Description:

    The Other 67 High Performing Teams coaching is ideal for teams at any stage - whether just starting out, navigating challenges, or hitting bumps in the road. If you aim to create a winning team but aren't sure how to get there, we can help. The Other 67 focuses on increasing cohesiveness, achieving better outcomes, fostering team identity and injecting a sense of togetherness.

    Key Benefits:

    • Team Cohesiveness: Enhance team unity and collaboration.

    • Improved Outcomes: Achieve better results through effective teamwork.

    • Team Identity: Develop a strong and unique team identity.

    • Expert Guidance: Learn from a European Gold Medallist about the building blocks of a high-performing team.

    • Strength Identification: Understand team strengths and how to leverage them for success.

    • Actionable Plans: Walk away with a clear action plan and renewed energy and momentum.

    Service Details:

    • Session Options: One-off or sequenced workshops

    • Duration: 2 hours to 2 days

    • Focus Areas: Team strategy, direction setting and dynamic improvement

    The Other 67 helps teams unlock their potential and achieve high performance through tailored coaching and workshops. Join us to elevate your team's dynamics and success.

  • Perfect for:
    Aspiring, lower, middle or senior managers

    Service Description:

    The Other 67 Leadership Development program is designed for managers at all levels - aspiring, lower, middle, or senior. Understanding how to be a leader and what it means to lead can be challenging. Whether you are new to a leadership role or looking to excel, we provide the support you need to develop essential leadership skills.

    Key Benefits:

    • Skill Development: Learn the necessary skills to operate and excel in a leadership role.

    • Imposter Syndrome Support: Address and overcome feelings of imposter syndrome.

    • Feedback Integration: Work on feedback to improve your leadership capabilities.

    • Customised Support: Benefit from 1:1 interventions or group workshops tailored to your needs.

    • Barrier Exploration: Identify and overcome barriers to effective leadership.

    • Opportunity Identification: Discover opportunities for growth and improvement.

    • Practical Tools: Gain tools and techniques to handle real-life scenarios confidently.

    Service Details:

    • 1:1 Sessions: 45-90 minutes (minimum 6 sessions)

    • Group Workshops: Customised to address specific leadership challenges

    • Delivery: In-person or remote

    The Other 67 is committed to helping you become a confident and effective leader. Join the Leadership Development program to unlock your leadership potential and achieve career success.

  • Perfect for:
    Groups that need a navigator to get from A to B

    Service Description:

    Do you need an independent perspective to help guide you through a process, solve a problem, or manage a workshop? Let The Other 67 guide you and your team. I offer a neutral voice that keeps the team on track to achieve a collective outcome, or provide crowd control when needed.

    Key Benefits:

    • Independent Guidance: Receive an unbiased perspective to navigate processes and solve problems.

    • Team Cohesion: Enhance team collaboration and maintain focus.

    • Progress Facilitation: Keep the team moving forward, addressing challenges along the way.

    • Engaging Experience: Achieve goals with a touch of fun and creativity.

    • Tough Questioning: Benefit from asking the difficult questions to drive clarity and action.

    Service Details:

    • Session Options: One-off workshop facilitation or a series of interventions

    • Delivery: Tailored to support your specific process or project

    The Other 67 is dedicated to helping your group reach its goals efficiently and enjoyably. Join my Group Facilitation programme to navigate your journey successfully.

  • Perfect for:
    Teams and cross-functional working groups

    Service Description:

    Is your team needing a reset, feeling stuck and stale, forming a new team, or in need of a positive intervention? Team dynamics naturally ebb and flow as challenges arise, new members join, old colleagues leave, or as the organisation undergoes transformation. Whether you need to recalibrate or set a new vision, The Other 67 can help.

    Key Benefits:

    • Team Refocus: Gain commercial experience to help your team refocus and set clear goals.

    • Dynamic Improvement: Establish team principles and ways of working for better cohesion.

    • Positive Stimulation: Provide the team with motivation and strategies to achieve a more cohesive dynamic.

    • Wellbeing Focus: Incorporate mind and body reset activities for a refreshed and reenergised team.

    • Enduring Success: Take away tips and techniques for lasting success.

    Service Details:

    • Workshop Sessions: Half or full day

    • Delivery: Tailored to address specific team and organisational needs

    The Other 67 is committed to helping your team achieve greater cohesion and success.

  • Perfect for:
    Anyone who needs a pause and reset

    Service Description:

    Looking for regular interventions to support your people strategy with mental fitness? Trying to eliminate stress and burnout, reduce workplace absence, and maintain a healthy workforce? The Other 67 specialises in delivering 1:1 or group wellbeing solutions that integrate seamlessly into your existing workplace protocols.

    Key Benefits:

    • Mental Fitness: Enhance mental wellbeing with regular interventions.

    • Stress Reduction: Eliminate stress and burnout, maintaining a healthy workforce.

    • Mindfulness Training: Learn what mindfulness is, how to practise it, and embed it into your routine with tips and tricks.

    • Workplace Yoga: Experience short desk yoga interventions to regular yoga sessions, allowing employees to reset their body and mind.

    • Proven Techniques: Benefit from techniques that reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing.

    Service Details:

    • Session Options: One-off or regular interventions, or integrated into Team Days

    • Duration: Sessions as short as 15 minutes, regular one-hour drop-ins, Lunch & Learn sessions, or half-day workshops

    • Delivery: In-person or remote

    The Other 67 is committed to enhancing your team’s mental and physical wellbeing. Join my Mind and Body Priming sessions to experience the positive impact on your workforce.

  • Perfect for:
    Individuals interested in self-improvement

    Service Description:

    The essence of The Other 67 is working on the things that no one else sees—the foundational aspects that help us become our best selves. Life Coaching is the means by which you can work on this vital background work. Through 1:1 conversations with an expert, you can achieve your personal goals and reach new heights.

    Key Benefits:

    • Self-Improvement: Focus on the foundational elements of personal growth.

    • Expert Guidance: Receive support from an expert to help you get where you want to be.

    • Goal Achievement: Whether taking on a new challenge, changing careers, or making a lifestyle change, get the structure and support you need.

    • Motivation and Movement: Experience a blend of support and tough questions to get you unstuck and moving forward.

    • Mental Fitness: Think of it as having a personal trainer for your mind.

    Service Details:

    • Session Duration: 45-90 minutes per session

    • Minimum Commitment: 6 sessions

    • Delivery: In-person or remote

    Note: The Other 67 Life Coaching service is not licensed therapy or a medical intervention.

    The Other 67 is dedicated to helping you achieve self-improvement and personal growth. Join my Life Coaching sessions to unlock your full potential and create lasting change.

    • Growth and learning, leaving things better than when you found them

    • Understanding yourself, your team and your business on a deeper level

    • Wanting to create a healthier, more productive/positive/thriving environment

    • Developing the higher-performing team behaviours and culture for success

    • Somebody who can evaluate who they are, and prescribe what they need without the nonsense and buzzwords

    • Somebody who knows what makes them tick and helps them realise it

    • Somebody who understands the commercial world yet breaks things down to the simple things that create progress

    • Someone who can help you see the wood for the trees

    • Someone who is your biggest cheerleader, loudest supporter and critical ally